Senin, 12 September 2011

Learning English: Speaking Lesson 2

Pare, 9th sept’03
-          Where do you come from? ---kota
o   I come from Malang
-          Where were you belong to? (USA Style)
o   I was belong to Indonesia                            tanya asal?
o   I was belong to Malang
-          Where are you from?---Negara
o   I’m from Indonesia/Amerika
-          Where have you been?
o   I have been from Batagor/Market
-          Where are you going?
o    I am going to Surabaya
-          Where will you go?                                                         Mau pergi ke mana?
o   I will go to market
-          Where are you gonna go? (USA Style)
o   I am gonna go to Pare
-          When did you come?----- kapan kamu datang?
o   I came this morning
-          What are you doing? Lagi ngapain Lou?
o   I’m eating now
-          Opening the program
o   Let’s open our program today by reciting basmalah together
o   (or) Let’s pray to God together depend on our belief!
-          Closing the program :
o   Let’s close our program today by reciting hamdalah together
o   (or) Let’s pray to God depend on our belief!
Recite(v) : membaca(kitab)
Read(v) : membaca(umum)

* Take it easy = nyantai aja..
* It’s far away = jauh sekali
* You are the best thing that happen in my life
* May I take your time for moment?

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