Minggu, 11 September 2011

Greeting and Introduction

              Greet (v) : address(v) : menyapa
-          Introduce : memperkenalkan, recognize(v) : kenal

       Greetings atau ucapan salam yaitu ucapan yang digunakan untuk menyapa seseorang. Sedangkan introduction yaitu ungkapan perkenalan yang digunakan untuk memperkenalkan diri atau menanyakan identitas orang lain. Setelah mengucpakan salam atau sapaan biasanya dilanjutkan dengan menanyakan kabar orang yang disapa. 
             Berikut beberapa ucapan salam dan perkenalan yang biasa digunakan sehari-hari :
                        o  Hi, hello
o   Good morning
o   Good afternoon
o   Good evening                                                                                  
o   Good night is only used for leaving in the evening or before going bed
o   Good day(for Australia) = good afternoon

           morning   : 00.00  - 12.00
           afternoon : 12.00- 06.00 pm
           evening    : 06.00 pm - 00.00
                   12 am
                 12 pm 
And than you can introduce yourself and your original town- and say :
o   First meeting :How do you do? --- the answer : How do you do ( apa kabarmu?)
o   For the second meeting and next  for asking the condition just say :
§  How are you? (ha wa ya?—informal)
§  How are you doing? (USA style)                  gimana kabarmu?
§  How’s life?
The answer  :
§  Good condition :
·         I’m fine, thank you and you?
·         I’m very well
·         Not so bad
·         A live and kicking (sehat wal afiat)---informal
·         I’m good
§  Bad condition :
·         I’m bad
·         Not so good
·         I’m rather sick
·         I’m terrible
Impolite to ask :
o   Age
o   Salary
o   Religion
o   Politics
o   Marital status
And than you can continue your chating-by asking some polite things, don’t  ever  try to ask some impolite things because they will run away
-          Polite to ask :
o   Weather
o   Condition
o   Scenery
o   Hobby
o   Music
o   Sport
o   Entertainment
-          After that you can close close your conversation, and than say :
o   For  the first meeting :
§  Nice to meet you (senang berjumpa dengan Anda)
§  The answer : nice to meet you too
o   For the second meeting & next :
§  Nice to see you
§  I’m glad to see you
-          You can give addition :
o   See you tomorrow (sampai jumpa besok)
o   See you soon (sampai ketemu segera)
o   See you later (sampai ketemu nanti)
o   See you tonight (sampai ketemu nanti malam)
o   See you around (USA)
o   Good bye
o   Bye
o   Bye-bye
o   Cherio


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