- I’m hungry! Aku lapar
- I’m sturving ! Aku sangat kelaparan/lapar
- I’m thirsty! Aku haus
- I’m full ! aku kenyang
- I’m belly full ! aku kekenyangan I’ll be right back
- Excuse me! I want to wash my hand! Permisi saya mau ke belakang
o Excuse me, I want to go behind x —salah!
- I’ve just got up from my bed!—aku baru bangun tidur
- Any question so far? Sejauh ini
o Nothing
- Do you get it? – anda paham?
o Yes I get it
- Do you got it?(USA)
o Yes, I got it
- What are you looking at?—apa yang sedang kau lihat?
- Just small talk--- hanya basa-basi…
- Don’t take too long
- Don’t take long time Jangan lama2 dong!
* Take it easy = nyantai aja..
* It’s far away = jauh sekali
* You are the best thing that happen in my life
* May I take your time for moment?
10th sept’03
- I go a head!
- I’m leaving!
- I gotta go!(USA style)
- I must go now aku pergi duluan, ya!
- I’m off
- I must be off
- I go first—x—salah!
- Where do you live?--permanen
o I live in Cilacap di mana kau tinggal?
- Where are you living?--sementara
o I am living in Nusantara dormitory Pare
- Hurry up! cepetan
- Sorry, I’m in hurry! – maaf, saya terburu
- Don’t be hurry! Jangan terburu-buru
- Don’t cover my sight! Jangan halangi pandanganku
- After you! Aku duluan (makan)
- Go away ; enyah kau!
- Make line---antri
- It’s better for you
- Come forward! Maju ke depan
- You didn’t remind me yesterday?mengingatkan --- remember=ingat
- Drilling dance : goyang ngebor
- No buts = tdk tapi2an
- I cut my finger = jariku teriris
- Take it on leave it = jadi nggak?(orang jualan)
- Where is he?---- Where izi?
- Where is she? ---Where ishi?
- Being with you is the best moment in my life. – bersamamu adalah saat terindah dalam hidupku
- How to say in English…(pasar)..?
- Pinch your friend! Cubit teman Anda
- I’m sturving ! Aku sangat kelaparan/lapar
- I’m thirsty! Aku haus
- I’m full ! aku kenyang
- I’m belly full ! aku kekenyangan I’ll be right back
- Excuse me! I want to wash my hand! Permisi saya mau ke belakang
o Excuse me, I want to go behind x —salah!
- I’ve just got up from my bed!—aku baru bangun tidur
- Any question so far? Sejauh ini
o Nothing
- Do you get it? – anda paham?
o Yes I get it
- Do you got it?(USA)
o Yes, I got it
- What are you looking at?—apa yang sedang kau lihat?
- Just small talk--- hanya basa-basi…
- Don’t take too long
- Don’t take long time Jangan lama2 dong!
* Take it easy = nyantai aja..
* It’s far away = jauh sekali
* You are the best thing that happen in my life
* May I take your time for moment?
10th sept’03
- I go a head!
- I’m leaving!
- I gotta go!(USA style)
- I must go now aku pergi duluan, ya!
- I’m off
- I must be off
- I go first—x—salah!
- Where do you live?--permanen
o I live in Cilacap di mana kau tinggal?
- Where are you living?--sementara
o I am living in Nusantara dormitory Pare
- Hurry up! cepetan
- Sorry, I’m in hurry! – maaf, saya terburu
- Don’t be hurry! Jangan terburu-buru
- Don’t cover my sight! Jangan halangi pandanganku
- After you! Aku duluan (makan)
- Go away ; enyah kau!
- Make line---antri
- It’s better for you
- Come forward! Maju ke depan
- You didn’t remind me yesterday?mengingatkan --- remember=ingat
- Drilling dance : goyang ngebor
- No buts = tdk tapi2an
- I cut my finger = jariku teriris
- Take it on leave it = jadi nggak?(orang jualan)
- Where is he?---- Where izi?
- Where is she? ---Where ishi?
- Being with you is the best moment in my life. – bersamamu adalah saat terindah dalam hidupku
- How to say in English…(pasar)..?
- Pinch your friend! Cubit teman Anda
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